13M wearables to be used in corporate wellness plans by 2018 | Content Conversations | Scoop.it

Over the next five years, 13 million wearable devices embedded with wireless connectivity will be integrated into wellness plans offered by businesses, according to ABI research’s new report.

In 2013, principal analyst Jonathan Collins said less than 200,000 wearable devices have been integrated into wellness plans.

The report factors in the social and economic drivers supporting the integration of wearable wireless device adoption, such as the point at which people start taking more responsibility in healthcare, Collins told MobiHealthNews.

“While some device vendors are hoping that strong consumer awareness will drive corporate wellness adoption for their products, they also need to understand and focus on the most influential parts of the healthcare value chain,” Collins said.

More: http://mobihealthnews.com/25852/13m-wearables-to-be-used-in-corporate-wellness-plans-by-2018/

Via nrip