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Kids on YouTube this break - try YouTube Art Channels for Teachers and Students

Kids on YouTube this break - try YouTube Art Channels for Teachers and Students | iGeneration - 21st Century Education (Pedagogy & Digital Innovation) | Scoop.it
Check out this collection featuring some of the best YouTube art channels for teachers and students.
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 Using YouTube to Share Lessons This Fall? - Settings and Tools You Need to Know About via @rmbyrne

 Using YouTube to Share Lessons This Fall? - Settings and Tools You Need to Know About via @rmbyrne | iGeneration - 21st Century Education (Pedagogy & Digital Innovation) | Scoop.it
This fall many of us are using YouTube more than ever before to share lessons with students. Whether those lessons are ones you recorded o
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A guide to hosting virtual events on YouTube - Think with Google Canada

A guide to hosting virtual events on YouTube - Think with Google Canada | iGeneration - 21st Century Education (Pedagogy & Digital Innovation) | Scoop.it
More and more businesses are being forced to reconsider their events strategy. Discover our guide to hosting virtual events on YouTube.
Black Riders Production's curator insight, September 3, 2022 9:33 AM
1. GET YOUR ATTENDEES STARTED UP BEFORE THE VIRTUAL EVENT BEGINS First in 20 creative virtual event ideas for 2022. The week prior to your occasion starts off as a vital showcasing period. Have a pre-event fireside visit on your foundation, run Clubhouse rooms or LinkedIn live streams, plan a fun webinar or a Q&A meeting - it doesn't make any difference utilise any medium, as long as you assemble your community ahead of the event. Utilize this chance to whiz around the timetable, present your speakers or get your community familiar with the virtual stage by telling them the best way to utilize it.
 2. CAPITALIZE ON YOUR OCCASION STAGE Second in 20 creative virtual event ideas for 2022. Guarantee your group goes through preparing with the product provider and becomes acquainted with the ins and outs of the instrument. That way, you can make guides for your participants, exhibitors and speakers, and you can help assuming anybody locally is experiencing difficulty with the stage. You'll likewise be bound to support your occasion ROI in the event that you utilize the virtual highlights to their maximum capacity. Customization is a significant piece of building your occasion, and without preparing you can't make a vivid encounter for your participants. 
 3. VIRTUAL: WEBINAR NOT EQUIVALENT TO FACE TO FACE Third in 20 creative virtual event ideas for 2022. Numerous coordinators have been wrongly trying to repeat the sensation of face to face. This isn't just unthinkable yet additionally sets occasions up for disappointment. Nonetheless, remain far away from online class style occasions where there is almost no commitment and systems administration. Virtual is an entire other ball game, in addition to a midway stop between face to face and online courses. So permit your occasion the space to develop all alone and find a universe of additional opportunities. 
 4. BE AN INVITING HOST During a virtual occasion, your foundation is your scene. Ensure you fabricate it to be inviting and to cause participants and exhibitors the same to feel in charge. Modify the warning highlights, plan, man-made reasoning and landing page to make their experience and excursion as consistent as could be expected. Consider little, innovative ways of guaranteeing your members feel appreciated. For instance, use a stage where the timetable naturally adjusts to every participant's timezone so there is no disarray. This is one of the most essential ideas amongst 20 creative virtual event ideas for 2022.
 5. MAKE YOUR OCCASION AVAILABLE Next in 20 creative virtual event ideas for 2022. The magnificence of the virtual model is that actual boundaries are taken out. Your substance and systems administration become naturally more open to a worldwide crowd and your shot at exceptional yield on speculation increases as you invite a bigger crowd than at any other time. Making your tickets free truly does much more for openness and local area building. A virtual stage can likewise offer ongoing interpretation or captions for live meetings and the point of interaction can be utilized in a variety of dialects. This is the ideal opportunity to begin building worldwide networks and running occasions without borders. 
 6. MAKE SPACE TO BREATHE IN YOUR PLAN Another amazing idea in 20 creative virtual event ideas for 2022. Assuming you have a few hours or long stretches of content in your virtual timetable, odds are your crowd will require a break. Leave space for determined espresso, email and mid-day breaks just as some space to breathe previously, then after the virtual meetings. You'll not just ease the creation team's tension of adhering to a tight timetable, you'll likewise work on the experience for your participants as they'll have the opportunity to take notes, get together with different participants and investigate the stage at relaxation.
 7. ONLINE ROUNDTABLES FOR A VALID SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATION EXPERIENCE Next in 20 creative virtual event ideas for 2022. The chance to show their face and have their thoughts heard is one most participants seize following a day of paying attention to specialists talk. It's a much more worthwhile chance assuming the master speakers are in the gathering room! Online roundtables are video (or sound just, for the individuals who feel more good that way) meeting rooms with a set number of members where they can ask inside and out inquiries to specialists, share their own encounters and meet new individuals. This meeting design breaks the timetable of gazing at a screen and paying attention to speakers, and allows the crowd an opportunity to interface in a more credible, regular "eye to eye" climate.
 8. USE MCS TO ACCOMPLISH NEVER-BEFORE-SEEN COMMITMENT LEVELS One of the most innovative ideas in 20 creative virtual event ideas for 2022. Individuals relate to others, so recruit a couple of MCs to be the face/s of your occasion. In addition to the fact that they create a feeling of commonality that causes your crowd to feel great and drawn in, however they respond and talk about the occasion among themselves in a truly engaging manner. Before the finish of the occasion, your participants will feel as though they've been on an excursion with the MCs and will feel extremely near them. Ensure your MCs are prepared to think and react quickly, respond progressively to what in particular's occurring in the timetable and contact your crowd with all the commitment highlights you have accessible. 
 9. EXECUTE DIFFERENT TRACKS AND TAKE INTO ACCOUNT EVERYBODY IN THE CROWD Assuming that you have a content saturated timetable, a really smart way is to partition your meetings into various tracks. Think about a track like a TV channel - they run simultaneously, take into account diverse crowd needs, and spotlight on a particular subject or configuration. Giving the crowd choices for how they devour your substance causes them to feel in charge and obliged. In accordance with thought, have an alternate MC for each track to guarantee steady narrating all through the track and continue to clarify the motivation behind the track to novices! This is another important idea under 20 creative virtual event ideas for 2022. 
 10. PUT RESOURCES INTO CROWD COMMITMENT HIGHLIGHTS FOR A VIVID ENCOUNTER One of the most essential elements in 20 creative virtual event ideas for 2022 is that any virtual occasion stage needs is an instrument for crowd commitment. These highlights are as yet not being utilized to their maximum capacity on numerous occasions, even later almost a time of virtual-just substance and online courses. Live conversations are the place where a significant number of the normal and legitimate associations are made between crowd individuals. Live inquiries permit participants to utilize their voice and feel recognized when speakers answer their inquiries. Surveys are one of the most supportive, yet underused highlights that permit speakers to try things out with their crowd and see what they're thinking prior to sending off into their substance. 
 11. GET A VIRTUAL DJ TO OFFER YOUR PARTICIPANTS A MELODIC REPRIEVE Next in 20 creative virtual event ideas for 2022. For a genuinely fun, vivid experience that brings out feelings in your crowd, set aside an opportunity in your timetable where you offer them a melodic break. Welcome a DJ to play a set and guarantee that your crowd realizes here they can simply partake in the music and unwind for some time. Far superior assuming that you do it toward the finish of the occasion to envelop things with a pleasant way - individuals will have incredible recollections of the gatherings they used to go to toward the finish of face to face occasions. There are numerous fun virtual occasion thoughts that can inspire feeling, yet music is an exceptionally solid instrument to help the disposition and vibe of your occasion. 
 12. GIVE A VIRTUAL PHOTOGRAPH CORNER AND WATCH PARTICIPANTS REACH OUT For our next 20 creative virtual event ideas for 2022. Need your occasion to become a web sensation? Cooperate with a virtual photograph corner, where participants can take a depiction of themselves with their pets, children, or occasion loot. They would then be able to post it via web-based media with your occasion's hashtag. This not just makes a local area in various social circles, yet in addition fills in as free showcasing for a more extensive crowd - the organization of everybody posting photographs will perceive how much fun the occasion is by all accounts! A photograph corner is one of the most incredible virtual commitment thoughts to cause your crowd to feel like they're important for a local area by offering them the chance to impart a piece of themselves to their companions. 
 13. PRACTICE WORK-LIFE BALANCE: LEAVE SPACE FOR ENTERTAINMENT ONLY AND WELLBEING Another under 20 creative virtual event ideas for 2022. An instructive timetable is an extraordinary inspiration for individuals to go to virtual occasions. In this day and age, individuals need to learn and web based learning is simple! Yet, assuming that you've at any point endured an entire day of instructive meetings, you'll know it's difficult to keep on track and retain all the substance. So separate your timetable with short, fun stops that don't have anything to do with the substance or topic of your occasion. - such as having countless individuals enrolled for yoga and intervention,You can get educators to direct the crowd in brain science, usefulness or stress the executives, cooking, get an uplifting narrator, a mentor to do an exercise, or an entertainer to carry some enjoyment to your timetable. Individuals like the chance to enjoy some time off and have a go at a novel, new thing. 
 14. GROUP CHATS INCREMENT SYSTEMIC ADMINISTRATION AND OPEN INPUT On a virtual occasion stage there are many "places" where the crowd can associate and organize, in any event, tracking down fortunate associations A gathering visit is a discussion with a particular theme where individuals can post messages, react and meet similar individuals. Consider inventive headlines like "Offer your best and most exceedingly awful encounters in (pick your point)" to unite individuals around a typical topic. You can likewise make a gathering visit explicitly for input with regards to the occasion. This makes a feeling of straightforwardness and trust, and shows your crowd your group is available to hear what they need to say. Extra focus assuming you react rapidly and make recommended upgrades during your occasion! 
 15. SIMULATED INTELLIGENCE FUELED MATCHMAKING SAVES YOUR PARTICIPANTS AND EXHIBITORS IMPORTANT TIME Certain individuals accept that good fortune is inconceivable when going to an internet based occasion. They pass up on the opportunity to gather around the espresso machine or at the mixed drink party during face to face occasions. Yet, with man-made consciousness, these gatherings can be designed and are significantly more ensured to work. Stages have savvy AI calculations that dissect participant and exhibitor information, both segment and conduct, and pair individuals up who are probably going to share financial matters for all intents and purposes and become significant associations. Man-made intelligence can save your participants and exhibitors a great deal of time as they presently don't have to look through limitless arrangements of individuals to meet. The calculations can likewise recommend the meetings, items and stalls that clients would be generally intrigued by 
 16. WORKSHOPS Studies show that the principal reason individuals go to virtual occasions is to learn. Individuals learn in various ways - some by watching and tuning in, others by doing. Instructive meetings with the chance to pose inquiries are incredible for the previous students. Yet, for the individuals who learn by doing, studios are a compelling other option! Get a few specialists to run intelligent studios during your occasion and you'll see the commitment soar. You can significantly offer authentications that members can post on their web-based media later the studio, one more method for expanding perceivability of your occasion and brand. This idea under 20 creative virtual event ideas for 2022 will make your virtual event memorable. 
 17. BOOST ORGANIZING WITH RIVALRIES AND PRIZES Next in 20 creative virtual event ideas for 2022. Nothing gets individuals connected with letting them know they can win a prize! Get support to vow prizes and urge participants to plan gatherings with exhibitors, to associate with different participants and to contact speakers. Consider it the "Best Networker" or the "Most Active Attendee". Whatever the thought process is, they are as yet freeing themselves up to an entire gathering of individuals who could transform into business leads. Utilize this strategy to expand the reactions to your post-occasion review or the prompts for meeting criticism. Individuals will have some good times being in contest with one another and you'll have a really captivating occasion.
 18. INVENTIVE GAMES DRAW IN YOUR CROWD An inventive and powerful method for guaranteeing individuals store the data they're learning is by fusing games. There are numerous virtual occasion stages out there that have perpetual gamification openings, or you might decide to cooperate with an expert instrument. Valid/False games during meetings help the crowd stay drawn in and continue to learn, while a melodic test with the DJ during a mixed drink party guarantees everybody has some good times and feels like they're essential for the local area! Get your backers in on the fun by requesting that they give prizes - this likewise assists them with acquiring perceivability and gives your participants an impetus to take an interest. 
 19. FUEL THE SOUL OF RIVALRY WITH A PIONEER SCOREBOARD Make a button on your occasion's landing page showing the leaders of your difficulties and rivalries progressively. Members can allude to the scoreboard when they need to really look at who's leading the pack and rouse themselves to work much harder to win! 
 20. USE MODERATORS TO MAKE CONTENT-RICH MEETINGS SIMPLE TO UNDERSTAND How might you guarantee your crowd is truly retaining all the valuable data your substance group has assembled during the instructive meetings? Bring on board a mediator who can break the substance of the meeting up into reduced down, edible pieces and additional commitment exercises like Q&A or surveys at key places. They can likewise sum up the primary concerns of the speaker's show and guarantee the crowd has gotten a handle on everything, making for a glad speaker and an educated crowd.
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YouTube Tricks for Educators - by @jMattMiller and @ShakeUpLearning

YouTube Tricks for Educators - by @jMattMiller and @ShakeUpLearning | iGeneration - 21st Century Education (Pedagogy & Digital Innovation) | Scoop.it
YouTube and Teachers are a winning combination. Matt and Kasey share tips and tricks around the world's #2 search engine!
Maria's comment, January 9, 2020 7:15 AM
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Some of The Best YouTube Channels for Math Teachers via educators' tech 

Some of The Best YouTube Channels for Math Teachers via educators' tech  | iGeneration - 21st Century Education (Pedagogy & Digital Innovation) | Scoop.it
Free resource of educational web tools, 21st century skills, tips and tutorials on how teachers and students integrate technology into education
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How to Adjust the Captions on YouTube Videos via @rmbyrne

How to Adjust the Captions on YouTube Videos via @rmbyrne | iGeneration - 21st Century Education (Pedagogy & Digital Innovation) | Scoop.it
This week's Practical Ed Tech newsletter featured a few things that we can do to improve the accessibility of the slides and videos tha
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How to download YouTube videos to watch offline

How to download YouTube videos to watch offline | iGeneration - 21st Century Education (Pedagogy & Digital Innovation) | Scoop.it
Welcome to TNW Basics, a collection of tips, guides, and advice on how to easily get the most out of your gadgets, apps, and other stuff. YouTube videos are great ways to keep yourself entertained for a short period of time — but what happens when you don’t have access to the internet? How do you …
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The best YouTube tips you probably didn't know you needed BY KATIE CONNER

The best YouTube tips you probably didn't know you needed BY  KATIE CONNER | iGeneration - 21st Century Education (Pedagogy & Digital Innovation) | Scoop.it
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A Collection of Educational YouTube Channels for Teachers via Educators' tech 

Free resource of educational web tools, 21st century skills, tips and tutorials on how teachers and students integrate technology into education
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The 15 Best YouTube Channels You Should Watch Next via Tina Sieber

The 15 Best YouTube Channels You Should Watch Next via Tina Sieber | iGeneration - 21st Century Education (Pedagogy & Digital Innovation) | Scoop.it
There's so much to watch on YouTube it's difficult to know what to check out. Here are the best YouTube channels to watch next.
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12 Ways To Make YouTube Safer For Children - by TeachThought Staff

12 Ways To Make YouTube Safer For Children - by TeachThought Staff | iGeneration - 21st Century Education (Pedagogy & Digital Innovation) | Scoop.it
by TeachThought Staff
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7 Basic YouTube Features Students Should Know about via Educators' tech 

7 Basic YouTube Features Students Should Know about via Educators' tech  | iGeneration - 21st Century Education (Pedagogy & Digital Innovation) | Scoop.it
Free resource of educational web tools, 21st century skills, tips and tutorials on how teachers and students integrate technology into education
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9 Educational YouTube Channels for the Classroom via Jeff Knutson

9 Educational YouTube Channels for the Classroom via Jeff Knutson | iGeneration - 21st Century Education (Pedagogy & Digital Innovation) | Scoop.it
Jeff Knutson
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View Pure - Videos Without Clutter - remove side bar, comments, and more!  via Holly Clark 

View Pure - Videos Without Clutter - remove side bar, comments, and more!  via Holly Clark  | iGeneration - 21st Century Education (Pedagogy & Digital Innovation) | Scoop.it
Watch safe YouTube videos without comments, related videos, or any other distractions. It's great for teachers, parents, and organizations alike - or really, anybody.
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YouTube Learning - Learn at Home with YouTube

YouTube Learning - Learn at Home with YouTube | iGeneration - 21st Century Education (Pedagogy & Digital Innovation) | Scoop.it
During the COVID-19 pandemic, we want to ensure that learning continues at home. Discover resources to make learning at home as fun as possible.
janne.gry.lunde@gmail.com's curator insight, May 19, 2020 9:20 AM
Her er videoer som kan gi ny kunnskap samlet
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A Series of Educational Videos to Help Students Learn about YouTube via Educators' technology

A Series of Educational Videos to Help Students Learn about YouTube via Educators' technology | iGeneration - 21st Century Education (Pedagogy & Digital Innovation) | Scoop.it
Free resource of educational web tools, 21st century skills, tips and tutorials on how teachers and students integrate technology into education
Jobs Captain's comment, January 26, 2020 10:09 AM
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Educational YouTube Channels for Social Studies Teachers via Educators' tech 

Educational YouTube Channels for Social Studies Teachers via Educators' tech  | iGeneration - 21st Century Education (Pedagogy & Digital Innovation) | Scoop.it
Free resource of educational web tools, 21st century skills, tips and tutorials on how teachers and students integrate technology into education
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10 Top Incredibly Useful YouTube Channels to Boost Pre-K Classroom Lessons via MATTHEW LYNCH

10 Top Incredibly Useful YouTube Channels to Boost Pre-K Classroom Lessons via MATTHEW LYNCH | iGeneration - 21st Century Education (Pedagogy & Digital Innovation) | Scoop.it
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SnackVids - Automatic Creation of Searchable Video Transcripts (via @rmbyrne)

SnackVids - Automatic Creation of Searchable Video Transcripts (via @rmbyrne) | iGeneration - 21st Century Education (Pedagogy & Digital Innovation) | Scoop.it
SnackVids is a new service that will generate a searchable transcript for any YouTube video of your choosing. To use the service simpl
online quran lesson's comment, September 24, 2019 1:58 PM
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4 Good YouTube Extensions for Educators via Educators' tech

4 Good YouTube Extensions for Educators via Educators' tech | iGeneration - 21st Century Education (Pedagogy & Digital Innovation) | Scoop.it
Free resource of educational web tools, 21st century skills, tips and tutorials on how teachers and students integrate technology into education
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Create Written Notes From YouTube Videos Instantly With this Chrome Extension via Emily Price 

Create Written Notes From YouTube Videos Instantly With this Chrome Extension via Emily Price  | iGeneration - 21st Century Education (Pedagogy & Digital Innovation) | Scoop.it
There are a ton of informative YouTube videos out there. When you’re watching one where you’re hoping to learn something; however, you have to take your own notes on the topic for later. Gnotes is an extension that can help with that.
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ViewPure -  A Great YouTube Tool for Teachers and Educators via Educators' Technology

ViewPure -  A Great YouTube Tool for Teachers and Educators via Educators' Technology | iGeneration - 21st Century Education (Pedagogy & Digital Innovation) | Scoop.it
Free resource of educational web tools, 21st century skills, tips and tutorials on how teachers and students integrate technology into education
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Four Ways to Show & Share Videos Without Distractions via @rmbyrne 

Four Ways to Show & Share Videos Without Distractions via @rmbyrne  | iGeneration - 21st Century Education (Pedagogy & Digital Innovation) | Scoop.it
nguyen an's comment, May 28, 2019 3:27 AM
Quà Yêu Thương shop quà tặng cao cấp chuyên kinh doanh mèo thần tài
Điện thoại: 0974719719
Địa chỉ: 368A, Cách Mạng Tháng 8, Phường 10, Quận 3, TP HCM
Email: nguyenninh719@gmail.com
Website: https://quayeuthuong.com.vn/
nguyen an's comment, May 28, 2019 3:27 AM
Quà Yêu Thương shop quà tặng cao cấp chuyên kinh doanh mèo thần tài
Điện thoại: 0974719719
Địa chỉ: 368A, Cách Mạng Tháng 8, Phường 10, Quận 3, TP HCM
Email: nguyenninh719@gmail.com
Website: https://quayeuthuong.com.vn/
nguyen an's comment, May 28, 2019 3:27 AM
Quà Yêu Thương shop quà tặng cao cấp chuyên kinh doanh mèo thần tài
Điện thoại: 0974719719
Địa chỉ: 368A, Cách Mạng Tháng 8, Phường 10, Quận 3, TP HCM
Email: nguyenninh719@gmail.com
Website: https://quayeuthuong.com.vn/
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A Handy Search Refinement Tool in YouTube - by @rmbyrne

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30+ YouTube Channels for Teachers via @ShakeUpLearning

30+ YouTube Channels for Teachers via @ShakeUpLearning | iGeneration - 21st Century Education (Pedagogy & Digital Innovation) | Scoop.it
Here are 30+ fantastic YouTube Channels for Teachers, Students, Administrators or any Educator!
Jhaazsayel Stanford's curator insight, April 2, 2019 11:48 PM

30+ YouTube Channels for Teachers

The vast supply of information on the internet makes things way easier for teachers to supply information to students on demand. Platforms such as Learn French with Alexa, Mister WooTube, and Google students make systems of finding assistance with certain tasks like, say, phone books, seem antiquated in comparison.


For some time that was a pretty respectable means of finding employment opportunities, odd jobs, and events planning. For certain the switch to technology has lowered the income for phone book providers, but due to the New Growth theory, has allowed for much more economic growth to take place for the providers of different services across the internet platform that can provide different needs like education. Now physical libraries are much less required in order to get the information one may have to pay money for a library card to receive. https://shakeuplearning.com/blog/20-youtube-channels-for-educators/?ck_subscriber_id=20505205