6 case studies & infographics: the optimal time to send emails | Infographics and Social Media | Scoop.it

Email has the potential to deliver a strong ROI for marketers, though the precise response rates depend on a number of factors including the subject line, type of offers and the time of day the email is sent.

The best way of accurately finding the optimal time of day to send your emails is to run tests, taking into account fluctuations around pay day and annual events such as Christmas and bank holidays.

According to the Econsultancy/Adestra Email Marketing Industry Census 2013 only half of businesses (49%) are currently testing the time and day of their email messages, so either the other 51% already know the optimum time or they're working off a hunch. 


So to give some food for thought on where to start looking and testing, here are six case studies and infographics that look at the best time and day of the week to send emails...

Via Lauren Moss