Three Scientifically Proven Tests to Select a Name That Works - Profs | The MarTech Digest |


Here are three simple tests to select a name that works.

1. Is your name easy to say?

Forget Greek, forget Latin, forget inventing new words. The very first (and most important!) test comes down to fluency: Is your name easy to say?


2. Does your name clearly describe who you are or what you do?

If you have to explain, translate, unpack, justify, or do anything else other than just say your name, something's gone wrong. Your name should be screamingly obvious. Again, clarity trumps creativity... and absolutely murders clever.


3. Is your name about them or you?

You know who "them" are, right? "Them" are your prospects, your customers, your audience. Like everything in marketing, your name should be about "them," not about "you." To be effective, your name should be about the people you're trying to reach. Your name should address their problems, their fears, their solutions, and their hopes. It should hint at the hell from which you'll deliver them and the heaven to which you'll save them.



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