Web 3.0
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Web 3.0
Futures of the Web: semantic/symbiotic/ubiquitous web, internet/web of things, artificial intelligence, singularity, internet 3.0...
Curated by Pierre Tran
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Scooped by Pierre Tran

A Window Into The Future Of The Web

A Window Into The Future Of The Web | Web 3.0 | Scoop.it
The Web is changing. It's becoming a thinner, personalized, pervasive, ambient, assistive layer that weaves into our life. So what new opportunities does this create?
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Scooped by Pierre Tran

Web 4.0 : l'internet de l'ADN et le web généticiel

Web 4.0 : l'internet de l'ADN et le web généticiel | Web 3.0 | Scoop.it
1998-2006. Documents. Web 1.0 Il aura fallu 8 ans à Google pour parvenir à indexer tous les documents disponibles. Oh je vous vois venir, oui, vous avez raison, Google n'indexe pas "tous" les documents disponibles. Probablement moins de 5% des..

Olivier Ertzscheid, 03/03/2015


Pierre Tran's insight:

Du Web 1.0 au Web généticiel, une mise en perspective vertigineuse de l'évolution d'internet.

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Scooped by Pierre Tran

What Web 3.0 Looks Like

As we move into the future, we find increasing need for a zero-trust interaction system. Even pre-Snowden, we had realised that entrusting our information to arbitrary entities on the internet was fraught with danger. However, post-Snowden the argument plainly falls in the hand of those who believe that large organisations and governments routinely attempt to stretch and overstep their authority. 

Gavin Wood, 17/04/2014

Pierre Tran's insight:

Pour Davin Wood, créateur de la plateforme Ethereum, le Web 3.0 est un système d'exploitation social et sécurisé.

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Scooped by Pierre Tran

Vers un web éphémère

La lecture de la semaine provient de Techcrunch, le magazine en ligne américain et geek, sous la plume de Sarah Perez. Et il s’intitule : “la croissance de l’Ephémérique”.

En âge de devenir des usagers du web, ces jeunes natifs du numérique que nous avons catalogués sans leur consentement sont en train de se rebeller. Ils rejettent les valeurs de la génération précédente – celles de leurs parents, de ceux qui ont autorité sur eux – et en définissent de nouvelles. Ils ne veulent pas de réseaux sociaux ouverts, ils veulent leur intimité. Ils ne croient pas que tout acte doive être sensé et permanent. Ils imaginent le web comme quelque chose d’effaçable.”

Pierre Tran's insight:

Pour Sarah Perez, c'est la naissance d'un Ephémérique, un web éphémère. La nouvelle génération veut plus de vie privée, moins de services centralisés, moins de stockage des données...

“Une nouvelle norme sociale pourrait s’établir”, ajoute-t-elle pour conclure. “Une règle qui voudrait que ceux qui cherchent la lumière soient dénoncés et ostracisés, qui voudrait que nous valorisions les connexions humaines permises par la technologie plus que nos performances dans les réseaux ; qui voudrait que nous nous souciions plus de nos relations, et moins du nombre de “likes” ou des scores de partage de nos contenus.”

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Scooped by Pierre Tran

What is Web 3.0?

What is Web 3.0?EDU 626 Integrating Educational Technology Spring 2013
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Rescooped by Pierre Tran from BI Revolution

How Entropy Is Creating Web 3.0 Under Our Noses

How Entropy Is Creating Web 3.0 Under Our Noses | Web 3.0 | Scoop.it

Brian Cox's sand castle entropy lesson helped me see into how and why the web is disassembling - Entropy. Think of Web 2.0 as the top of a bell curve where we've organized into a series of sand castles (see chart at bottom for graphic of the Web's Entropy Wave). The web's entropy wind is dismantling the low entropy environment we've created NOW to a more loosely defined higher entropy Web 3.0.

Via Martin (Marty) Smith
Martin (Marty) Smith's curator insight, January 12, 2013 7:41 PM

Entropy and 2013
Little did I know how accurate this article was/is. The web and what we know as "websites" is changing. I saw a great statement today. In an article I scooped about the 20 trends of 2013 http://www.scoop.it/t/design-revolution/p/3994915454/20-web-development-and-design-trends-2013-from-creative-maniacs .


The article discusses the loosening of the web. Static pages defined a priori are going away. Code and systems design will replace predefined pages with pages created on the fly. 

The advantage to creating pages on the fly is HUGE. Pages are more easily tuned to their audience in the moment. You might we wondering how this would work. 

Let's say you arrive at this page from my Mobile Revolution. There is content here tagged "mobile" so that mobile content, given your previous location, would become could be re-positioned to create ScentTrail, a sense of a meaningful path. 

Visitors can branch and websites of the not very distant future will simply reform around the path. If we stand at the end of the static web on the gates of the dynamic and algorithm controlled one the ultimate destination is the fluid intuitive semantic web. 

Entropy's roll is to continue to remove organization, there is a video in the piece showing how sand is much more likely to build random piles than sand castles. The web is headed in the direction of random sand piles than sand castles.

There is another seemingly tangential reason I think entropy is inevitable. We are changing too. The web isn't passive. To interact with it is to be changed. One of my favorite books is A Whole New Mind: Why Right Brainers Will Rule The Future by Daniel Pink  http://www.danpink.com/books/whole-new-mind


Right brainers are creatives and left brainers are detailed oriented engineers. Pink's persuasive argument is we've engineered as far as we can. Think of the web. The pressure on Internet marketing now is NOT creation of a website anyone can do that. The pressure is in creating content that wins hearts and minds.

You see the movement from left-brain to right. The web needed to be built, but now that it is creating art is what matter most. Artists are also much more tuned to entropy. Artists routinely build and tear, tear and build. 

Entropy, the natural move from organization to randomness, favors artists and his happening faster and faster. 

I kept riffing on entropy on Google Plus: https://plus.google.com/u/0/102639884404823294558/posts/SvgmhHHKL6D  


How Entropy Is Creating Web 3.0 Right Under Our Noses :).

Scooped by Pierre Tran

Does Web 3.0 come after Web 2.0? Deconstructing theoretical assumptions through practice (Abstract)

Current internet research has been influenced by application developers and computer engineers who see the development of the Web as being divided into three different stages: Web 1.0, Web 2.0 and Web 3.0. This article will argue that this understanding – although important when analysing the political economy of the Web – can have serious limitations when applied to everyday contexts and the lived experience of technologies...

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Scooped by Pierre Tran

The future of the web.

The future of the web. | Web 3.0 | Scoop.it
The web. People. Digital products.

The web is not about computers, or even code. It's about people. People make the web not sites or apps. And the people are voting.
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Scooped by Pierre Tran

Keynote Joël De Rosnay - Prospective 2032

Joël De Rosnay a donné une conférence (Keynote) sur la prospective du secteur numérique, lors des Rencontres Nationales du Numérique 2012, le 5 juillet à Poitiers.Joël de Rosnay, Docteur en Sciences, est Conseiller de la Présidente d‘Universcience...
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Scooped by Pierre Tran

What will the internet look like in 2040?

What will the internet look like in 2040? | Web 3.0 | Scoop.it

A journalist recently asked me what I think the internet will look like in 2040. The question took me a little by surprise, because despite working in the technology industry for the last two years and witnessing the drastic changes that have taken place, I’ve never really taken a step back from it all and thought what the world might be like in ten years, let alone 25 years.

Zafar Jamati on 9 September, 2015

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Scooped by Pierre Tran

Less-techy: What is Web 3.0?

Even prior to Edward Snowden's revelations, we had realised that entrusting our information to arbitrary entities on the internet was fraught with danger. However, post-Snowden we can plainly see that large organisations and governments routinely attempt to stretch and overstep their authority. Thus we realise that entrusting our information to organisations in general is a fundamentally broken model. The chance of an organisation not meddling with our data is merely the effort required minus their expected gains. Given they tend to have an income model that requires they know as much about people as possible the realist will realise that the potential for convert misuse is difficult to overestimate.

Gavin Wood, 23/04/2014

Pierre Tran's insight:

Pour Gavon Wood, créateur de la plateforme Ethereum, le Web 3.0 est un système d'exploitation social et sécurisé.

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Scooped by Pierre Tran

Web 1.0, Web 2.0, Web 3.0 - The way it was, the way it is, the way it will be.

Web 1.0, Web 2.0, Web 3.0 - The way it was, the way it is, the way it will be. | Web 3.0 | Scoop.it
Web 1.0, Web 2.0, Web 3.0 - The way it was, the way it is, the way it will be.
Pierre Tran's insight:

Web 1.0 : Top down and traditional

Web 2.0 : Democratization of information – anyone can publish

Web 3.0 : The data takes over – construction and reconstructing itself to form unique and original combinations, even coming up with new ideas

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Scooped by Pierre Tran

Web 3.0: The Third Generation Web is Coming

Web 3.0: The Third Generation Web is Coming | Web 3.0 | Scoop.it

The Web is entering a new phase of evolution. There has been much debate recently about what to call this new phase. Some would prefer to not name it all, while others suggest continuing to call it “Web 2.0”. However, this new phase of evolution has quite a different focus from what Web 2.0 has come to mean.

Pierre Tran's insight:

Une synthèse du Web 3.0 :

"Le Web 3.0 sera plus connecté, ouvert et intelligent, avec des technologies du Web sémantique, des bases de données distribuées, du traitement du langage naturel, des systèmes apprenants et raisonnants et des agents autonomes."

Il manque cependant pour être complet l'Internet des Objets et son corrolaire, le web symbiotique.

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Scooped by Pierre Tran

Web 3.0 – Artificial Intelligence?

Web 3.0 – Artificial Intelligence? | Web 3.0 | Scoop.it

Representing the Digital Enterprise Research Institute, Liam Ó Móráin , recently discussed the work of the DERI on the Semantic Web and the move from Web 2.0 to Web 3.0.

Liam explains how the evolution of Web 2.0 to Web 3.0 (also known as Semantic Web) is taking the web experience to the user in a new and more powerful way. Web 3.0 will quickly and easily combine information from very diverse sources and serve the information to the user, based on intelligent browsing.

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Scooped by Pierre Tran

Les 4 révolutions du web

Les 4 révolutions du web | Web 3.0 | Scoop.it

Les 4 grands révolutions coperniciennes du web :

1. La dérive des continents documentaires à l'envers (constitution progressive d'une Pangée d'indexabilité) - 2. le capitalisme linguistique (Frédéric Kaplan) - 3. le changement d'axe de rotation du web...

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Rescooped by Pierre Tran from Learning Molecules

Preparing our students for Web 3.0 learning

Tomorrow's novelty is today's norm.Are you prepared to lead learning with web 3.0?

Via robinwb
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Scooped by Pierre Tran

What Is Web 3.0, Really, and What Does It Mean for Education?

What Is Web 3.0, Really, and What Does It Mean for Education? | Web 3.0 | Scoop.it
Tim O’Reilly, Karen Cator and Shelly Blake-Plock weigh in on why K–12 leaders should care about it and other (r)evolutions in technology.
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Rescooped by Pierre Tran from In the eye of the new world

Imagining Web 3.0

Imagining Web 3.0 | Web 3.0 | Scoop.it
The internet at its current growth rate and development stands to be the greatest machine ever built in the history of humanity. Extract of a keynote presentation at the Sci-Bono Discovery Centre on Thursday, June 21 2012.

Via Lee Webster
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